12 Weeks of Prayer Week 12 Day 4
The Arm of the Lord is Powerful
By Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro
“Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save,
nor his ear too dull to hear.”
(Isaiah 59:1)
Beloved, the arm of the Lord is strong, mighty, and powerful to save you. His ears heard loud and clear the very whispers of your words. Hang on tight to His arm, and whisper praises to the Great I Am. Repeatedly, we see in the Bible of how God came and rescued His people. He rescued Noah from the flood. he rescued Rahab from being killed. He rescued Naomi from the famine, and the list continues. God is saying to you today, “Is my arm too short to save you? Do you think I am deaf and did not hear your cry for help?” God always comes to the call of the righteous! What are you facing today? Is it a health issue? Jesus healed blind men, deaf men, mute men, and fevers, told people to get up and walk, and raised men and women and children from the dead. Is it financial issues? Jesus told Peter to let down his net and he caught so many fish that the net broke, and the boat started to sink. Is it a partner you are seeking? Abraham’s servant went to find a wife for Abraham’s son, Isaac, and came back with a godly and beautiful woman, Rebekah. Are you trying to conceive? Hannah called out to God, and God opened her womb, and Samuel was born! Whatever you’re asking God for, know His hand is NOT too short to save you nor is His ear too dull to hear the petition of your heart. You serve a God who specializes in the impossible. He wants to show upright in the middle of your crisis and give you a tailormade miracle! Why does God give us miracles? First, I believe, is because He loves you, and He wants to show Himself great in your life. He is your Heavenly Father, who loves you with an everlasting love. He wants to give you the desires of your heart. Secondly, because He wants to use the difficulty to draw you closer to Him and to give you a testimony of His amazing grace and power to a lost world.
"The name of the LORD is a strong tower. A righteous person runs to it and is safe," (Proverbs 18:10 GW). Back in December, as I was praying, God gave me a vision. I saw the torso part of Him. No face. I saw His arms stretched out; they were so very massive, and I can’t even begin to explain. God is close to the brokenhearted. Go before Him and acknowledge His arm is not too short to come to your rescue. In fact, tell Him how much you love and adore Him. How do you know He is going to rescue you? God answers prayers in many different ways. When you belong to Him and you live a life to please Him, He will always show up and rescue you just in the nick time! I am reminded of that song, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it, and they are saved!” Today, grab your Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to draw you to that place of strength only God can give you. Believe with all your heart that He is there walking with you and is hearing your cry for help. Thank Him that He does hear you and will move His arm on your behalf!
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