12 Weeks of Prayer Week 2 Day 6
Protection Found In Seeking God and Serving Him
By Justin N. Citro
Vice President of Thread of Hope
"The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth them."
Psalm 34:7
Since we have been on the topic of protection let us go over what it means to be protected by God. One of the promises God makes to His children is the promise to safeguard them from evil (2 Thessalonians 3:3). Now as we know in this world, there are many things the devil uses to attack the people of the Lord, but we as Christians know the assurance of protection the Lord gives through trials and tribulations. Now let us go into more detail about the protection the Lord gives us. The Bible says in the book of Psalms 34:7(KJV) "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth them." This verse very well explains the Lord's protection over His people for God does not only protect His children in times of hardship but the Lord also delivers them. There is also one more phrase in this verse that I will touch on. Fearing the Lord is essential for protection because you must understand that the Lord requires us to fear Him. He did create the earth and everything in it as well as being the Great Judge over all. You see, My Brothers and Sisters, it's a two-way street; we must fear and worship the Lord as well as seek Him for the Lord is looking for serious people to serve Him. For it is better to be protected by the Lord than to fall into the evils of this world. My Hope for you, Beloved, is that you remain right with the Lord, seek Him, and understand His commandments. Remember the Lord always protects His people! Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your protection over my life. I thank You for Your Word. Lord, I ask for You to help me in seeking You and growing in You so I may know the truth. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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