12 Weeks of Prayer Week 7 Day 2
By Pastor Mike Heil
A few days ago, I posted on Facebook about the burden Habakkuk felt seeing all the sin, perversion, injustice, and unrighteousness in Judah. Habakkuk lived around 640 B.C., so this was written over 2600 years ago, yet it is a carbon copy list of what is happening in America today: a government legalizing sin and criminalizing righteousness, a culture that cancels out ideas and people who disagree with their perversions, violence in the streets condoned and promoted by mayor, city councils, members of Congress, and even judges. Habakkuk was heartbroken, crushed emotionally, without hope. In his burden, he cried out to God. Why??? Like Habakkuk, I wonder (we wonder), when God are you going to move? When, oh Lord, will righteousness and justice be restored to the streets and homes in America?
In Habakkuk 2:4, God gives his answer. In this verse “the just shall live by faith” is of the highest spiritual truth God gives to me (to us) in all of the Bible. It is an answer to the questions of why does evil triumph. It is an answer to the cry of the righteous of when will righteousness and justice manifest. It is the answer to broken relationships. It is the answer when we are emotionally hurting, and our soul seems crushed.
Habakkuk felt this evil in his soul and was burdened by it. I know that feeling, you know that feeling; the feeling that righteousness and godliness and justice are always pushed down and defeated. This feeling is both a blessing and a curse; a blessing because it confirms we are born again and we sense as God senses, a curse because of the hurt and pain in our souls at people, created in the image of God, being oppressed and destroyed. God’s answer was not in a formula, a solution, or a timetable; God’s answer was not in anything concrete and tangible we can wrap our mind around. God’s answer was “trust me.” God’s answer was I am beyond nations, I am beyond humanity, I am beyond the knowledge of the earth. Since you know I love you and care for you, trust me.
Like Habakkuk, I want formulas, solutions, timetables, something tangible to sink my reasoning mind into. But there are truths beyond my mind, and your mind, and there are ways beyond my ways, and your ways. This is why I need to rest and trust God in the midst of all that’s happening in America today. Yes, I need to pray against it with the spiritual authority that the Lord has given me; and I need to do anything I can do in the natural to hinder and stop the satanic direction. However, after that, I need to rest in faith knowing God's-Got-This.
In the midst of the hatred that leads to violence on the streets; in the midst of a government that is legalizing sin and perversion, while at the same time criminalizing righteousness. In the midst of militant victimization groups that bully, intimidate, and dominate. In the midst of all of these, God tells me, and tells you, trust me and walk by faith. “If God be with us, who can be against us,” (Romans 8:31).
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