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12 Weeks of Prayer Week 8 Day 4

Justin Citro

12 Weeks of Prayer Week 8 Day 4

Love and Trust Need to Be Rooted in Christ

By Justin N. Citro

For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid,

which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:11

Family issues can and will lead to a betrayal of love and trust. When it comes to the matter of love and trust, you want to make certain that those two are built on the principles of Christ. For if those two things are established with Christ, they cannot be broken; but if those things are built on the foundation of the world, then they are bound to be destroyed and betrayed. Families who do not build their lives on the foundation of Christ are bound to sink in quicksand for this world loves to take families and divide them, but I say to you all now make sure your families are rooted in the foundation that is Christ Jesus. Beloved, the days are surely evil when it comes to the Christian faith, and we are being ridiculed for standing on the rock that is Jesus Christ. Do not let the world confuse you. Stand upon Christ our Solid Ground for those who remain on the rock of Jesus Christ will not move!

What does the Bible say about standing on Christ our Sure Foundation? In 1 Corinthians 3:11 KJV, "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." What other foundation can be laid on top of what Christ has done? This verse explains exactly about the rock that is Christ for it is Christ who is the Solid Foundation which cannot be replaced with any temporal Foundation. He is the Immovable Rock that we are standing upon. Beloved, the time is at hand that we build up the faith of our families; it is time that we stand on Christ, who is our Rock and Solid Foundation, stronger than ever for a family that is built upon Jesus who cannot be shaken nor moved nor tormented. Today, I encourage you to build up your faith as well as your family's faith in Christ alone for the things of this world will pass away, but Christ stands forever! Heavenly Father, I thank You that You are the Solid Rock of my life. Lord, help me to build up my faith, as well my family's faith, upon You. Lord, please forgive if have doubted You and if my faith has wavered in You. I thank You again, Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.



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