“I will bless those who bless you...”
Genesis 12:3
I love this passage because I strongly believe in blessing others. I believe blessings are released when you bless others. Others get blessed and so do you. It’s so simple. It’s a wonderful practice.
The idea shouldn’t be, “Well, I’m going to bless someone so that I get blessed in return.” Our motives should be based on the fact we love God, and we are blessed by all He does for us. Due to the fact all our blessings flow from Him, we want to let the blessings flow from us, too. It’s a great feeling to know we get to be a blessing in someone else’s life. The feeling alone is just enough to want us to become a blessing.
I thought about this verse for the last two hours and really meditated on it. I was the recipient of blessings today.
First, I went to my hairstylist. I went in because I wanted more highlights in my hair. She did my hair two weeks ago; I was prepared to pay for it. I asked for a few more. Since she is an awesome person and a really great woman, she went beyond the few and gave me an entire full highlight. If that wasn’t enough, she did something extra to my hair, blow dried it, and then curled it! When I left, heads really were turning, and I felt absolutely fabulous as my niece would say. She never charged me. I took notice of her kindness. I was never expecting such kindness. As I was leaving, she told me, “Come back next week before your photo shoot, I want to blow dry your hair!” Really? Her love towards me was touching.
Next, I went to my office. The owner was there. They were remodeling the offices in the entire building, and he was excited. He showed me all the new equipment for his business and told me he was even being charged less. Then he told me, “We got a new conference room, and I got new furniture. I bought these beautiful chairs thinking of you.” I was surprised and asked him, “Me? Why me?” He responded by saying, “You are welcomed to use the conference room for any meeting you have. So, I made sure you got the great leather, swirly, executive chairs!” I was shocked. I responded, “This is a huge blessing to me. Thank you. I pray God repays it back to you.”
His remark stopped me dead in my track as I was checking the beautiful chairs. He said, “I know I’m blessed because of you. I don’t do nearly as much as I should do for you!” I thought did I hear that right? So, I said, “Oh I appreciate you charging us a laughable rent for both LDW and TOH. I love being here and I can’t believe your kindness towards me. Thank you.” I thought about that comment. He really took me by surprise. He recognized there are blessings when you bless someone. In this case, he was a huge blessing to me and the two organizations I represent.
As my day continued. I went to the post office. Only to realize, I left my purse at my office. I had to drive back, causing me a 40-minute extra trip. 40 extra minutes I didn’t have in my day. I raced back to the post office only to find it closed. Now, we know post offices, right? If it is closed, it is closed. However, the guy saw me from inside, and he came and opened the door. I looked at him, and he looked at me, “Come on in. I’ll let you in.” He came back to open the door when I was done shipping my packages, and I told him, “You were a huge blessing today. I can’t thank you enough. God truly bless you, seven-fold today!”
As I finally got back on the road, I began to think about how we all have the power to be a blessing or a curse. When we are mean and can’t help someone, we become a curse. We have at our disposal the opportunity to do good. God is so clear, “When it’s in your hand to do good, do it! Open your hand and bless.” This is what those wonderful and amazing people did for me today. I don’t think they fully know how much they blessed me. They inspired me to do even more for others simply because I truly needed their help today. I understood I got blessed, blessed, and blessed. I want to pay it forward, making others feel like I felt this day.
So often we can do something, but we choose to not do it. When we choose not to do it, we are withholding a blessing to someone else. Then, in the process, we are losing our blessing. This passage is clear, “I will bless those that bless you.” This was God’s promise to that great prophet Abraham. The truth is that it doesn’t only apply to him, especially since he is the father of many nations. It applies to us, too. People are blessed because they choose to be a blessing. Many times, God blesses others because he wants to bless us. Whichever way He chooses to do it, it’s a blessing to both parties.
Today, what will you choose to do? As for me and my household, I choose to be a blessing as much as I can be, not because I’m being selfish to get something in return, but because three people blessed me big time. They were blessings to me. I’m sitting here in peace and feeling great because of them. Therefore, I want others to feel what I’m feeling right now, too.
Friends, when we are givers, God blesses us. He gives back, pressed down, shaken together, and running over! Open your hand today and bless someone with no expectations other than it’s within your hands and power to do so. God sees and He rewards like no other. It’s better to give than to receive because the feeling we get to see others blessed has no comparison. “Freely you have been given, so freely give.”
Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro
Founder and President Thread of Hope