Are you worried or concerned about the unprecedented times we are living in?
There is a promise I want you to cling to right now and it is that “...God causes everything to work together for the good...” (Romans 8:28 NLT).
He knows how to turn everything around and get us back on track, so we can fulfill His plan for our lives!
Know that God is with you and for you. No matter what you are facing, no matter what is happening in the world, no matter the mistakes you have made along the way, God will guide you onto the path He has for you.
God turns hopeless situations totally around, and nothing can stop His plan for your future.
I have noticed that when other people do us wrong, or outside circumstances come against us, sometimes it is easier to have faith that God will restore what we have lost.
But when we make a mistake, when we fail or make a poor choice—we get down on ourselves and think, God would never help me. I made this mess.
No, remember, the mercies of God are new every morning. He loves you unconditionally, and He has a wonderful plan for your life! Your mistakes may be a setback, but God can use anything, even our mistakes, to propel us into His perfect plan for our lives.
God didn’t base His goodness and His favor on you being perfect. His plan and purposes for you and for your family are based on His unconditional love.
Pastor Steve Alani
The Lead pastor of LifeMap International Ministry
Editor at Thread of Hope, Inc.