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God Sent Out His Word & Healed Them

Writer's picture: LINDA A. KnowlesLINDA A. Knowles

There are times that suffering, sickness, and even grief due to some form of loss can feel like an eternity. Even our bodies fade away as we get older, and the aches and pains increase as the years go by. When the Israelites traveled through the wilderness desert, all they did was whine and complain. God, why did you bring us out here to leave us!

There are times in our pain we can legitimately complain and whine to the Lord, but it should not be chronic, and God should not be the one to blame.

Our sicknesses and illnesses stress us out due to a lot of things such as finances. The bills don’t stop even when we are out of work. The work sick days are used up and the roof just started leaking. Perhaps you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a terminal illness where suddenly your lives change drastically. Cancer sucks and is no respecter of persons or age. Do you keep asking what am I going to do now?

"Then they (Israel) cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave." -Psalms 107:19‭-‬20 NIV

It's okay and actually healthy to cry to the Lord. I don’t mean having a pity party such as, why me Lord, but trusting God and releasing our emotions.

The Lord knows your distresses and He knows your need. When Jesus healed, he was ‘moved with compassion’ yet not everybody was physically or emotionally healed.

Notice, ‘God sent out His Word and healed them.’ There are no magic formulas with God, and He does not like to be manipulated. Even the devil gets a whole lot of blame for our troubles and distress. Enough!

I believe in miracles and that ‘all things are possible to them who believe.’ Yet, loved ones die and we ourselves experience loss. Job lost everything yet he still trusted his Maker. "Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him.”

It speaks volumes and takes faith to trust the Lord even when the news is so bad. It tells me the person has confidence in God and that He is surely in control even in the midst of death.

God is sovereign and there are no easy answers or formulas with Him. I do believe in the power of prayer, but there are times when God’s ultimate healing and comfort such as when He takes a loved one or us home to glory.

Friend, stay strong because, in the end, it will be worth it when we see Jesus. Ask Him into your heart today if you never have before. Pray that He will give you all the strength and grace you need during this difficult time. The Lord will be waiting.

Have a positive day and week, My Friend.

Pastor Andy Provitola



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