"Do not present an animal with defects because the LORD will not accept it on your behalf." -Leviticus 22:20
The Levitical Laws, more specifically in this case the ceremonial laws, were a foreshadow of what was acceptable worship and what was unacceptable worship. In order for an animal sacrifice to be made, the animal had to have NO blemishes, NO defects, NO sickness. The animal had to be perfect. If there was the slightest flaw or imperfection in the animal being presented, the animal sacrifice would be rejected by God as shown in this verse, "...the LORD will not accept it on your behalf."
As I found myself reflecting on this passage of Scripture this morning, I was reminded of another passage in Romans 12:1(NLT), which states, "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice--the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him."
We're told in the Word of God to be perfect as He is perfect, to be holy as He is holy. When we keep that in mind, we will be careful how we live our lives because ALL that we do is worship to God. Our sacrifices must flow out of hearts consecrated, devoted to God.
The LORD will not accept less than the best. We cannot present the sacrifices of our talent, time, praise, effort and the like to the LORD if we are living lives defiled by pretense and hypocrisy. We cannot present ourselves in worship to the LORD if we are half-hearted in our obedience to Him. When our sacrifice to the LORD is blemished and defective, like the animal sacrifice spoken of in Leviticus 22:20, then we will be the kind of sacrifice He rejects.
Our LORD is the King of kings. For all of who God is and for all that He has done, how can we present ourselves to Him as living sacrifices if we are defiled with sin? Sin cuts us off from God, and therefore, when we recognize our sin, we must come before God with humility to repent and turn from our wicked ways, aligning our thoughts with His, so that we will be the kind of living and holy sacrifice He will find acceptable.
Our God will forgive us and restore us when we come before Him with the spirit of humility, bowing before Him. His Word tells us in 1 John 1:9(KJV), "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Heavenly Father, You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You are worthy of my very best, and I'm sorry for giving you leftovers rather than giving You my very best. I humbly ask for You to forgive me and remind me always that I am to be holy as You are holy. Father, before You, I have no excuses, and I am asking that You cast me not away from Your Presence but renew a right spirit within me. I give myself into Your hands, committing myself to You and to Your ways. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Linda Agnes Knowles
Executive Director
Thread of Hope, Inc.