15 June 2022

The drivenness to perform and perfectionism are attempts to feel loved and complete through work. The deception is that you gain self-worth and identity from what you do (your achievements and performance) instead of who you are in Christ. The problem with perfection is that there is no allowance made for weakness, so the fear of failure comes in. Not making allowance for weakness is not from God, because 2 Corinthians 12: 9 says that “His strength is made perfect in our weakness” and Proverbs 24:16 says “though the righteous may fall 7 times the Lord shall lift them up!”
There is a difference between excellence which is a Godly mindset and perfectionism which is a poisonous disease-making mindset and deception:
Identity is in who you are (in Jesus Christ).
Do everything to your best ability even if it is not perfect. You make allowance for weakness and mistakes, using it as a learning curve to improve and grow.
Whatever you do, do it with all your heart as if working for the Lord
Your identity is not in what you do therefore your self-esteem is not affected when you make mistakes or don’t achieve the standard you were aiming for.
Identity is in what you do (performance and achievement)
No allowance for weakness and mistakes
Fear of not being good enough and meeting the expectations of others
God said that you are valuable and that you were worth the life of His only Son! God’s Word teaches you to love yourself! Since the Lord commanded you to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Your identity is in what you do, when you don’t achieve the standard, you were aiming for, your self-esteem crashes as you go into condemnation and self-loathing.
God said that you are valuable and that you were worth the life of His only Son! God’s Word teaches you to love yourself! Since the Lord commanded you to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

In His Service,
Rika Griffiths
Life and Wellness Coach