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Writer's picture: LINDA A. KnowlesLINDA A. Knowles

I went to bed praying for two hours in the Spirit.

I woke up with this burning word in my Spirit.

This word is for those who are in the middle, and a confirmation for those who are strong in their faith. Don’t be deceived.

We are judged and awarded by how we lived according to the Word of God. We are in the world but not of it.

We walk as children of light not darkness. We love in words and actions. We are not to participate in lawlessness, hatred, killing, lying, destroying, and cheering for those who do evil. We are the light and the salt. We are the beacon of light that leads and rescues those lost in a raging sea. We shine as the stars in the darkest of storms, and we are the vessels filled of the Spirit of God bringing hope to a hopeless world. We refresh others. We give of the water that they shall never thirst again.

We are empowered, called, selected, and chosen by a God who did the choosing.


JESUS SAID, “You didn't choose me, but I chose you.

I have appointed you to go, to produce fruit that will last,

and to ask the Father in my name to give you whatever you ask for.”

John 15:16


What fruit are you bearing? God did the appointing. His appointees are to bring forth everlasting results -good fruits, a full blessed, crop, fruit not spoiled and filled with worms, eatable fruits, fruits to sustain life. Furthermore, when you have been chosen for a task it’s a guaranteed success. So, then, it’s done according to His ways, His will, and His purposes. We pray asking God to grant us favor to do that which is already His will for us to accomplish. So very simple.

Because we are the feet, the hands, the mouthpiece, and the very heartbeat of God. Then, he grants us whatever we ask for. Please catch that. Because we are chosen to be that which I described above we shall succeed in all we do. God is not hate; God is love. God hates sin. He is not with us when we sin. We must always ask ourselves what Spirit are we of? We compare what we are doing, saying, thinking, and believing with the Word of God. We reject evil and repent of sin.

God never grants us evil. He doesn’t bless evil plans.


“And let us not grow weary while doing good,

for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Galatians 6:9


Friends, don’t allow yourself to get wrapped up in the evil around us. Our knowing that which is right to do and not do it is sin in the eyes of God. Examine yourself.

“Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!” This verse should be a daily prayer. God doesn’t answer any of our prayers until this one is put into practice.

Let us be doers of the Word. Let us bear good fruit that brings healing and restoration. Let us love without barriers. Let us speak honor and truth. Remnant we know what’s happening. We don’t need to prove anything any longer. Everything described in His Word we are now living it. It’s before our very eyes. We rejoice because our redemption is near. We are the one who’s lamp is lit.

We know there will be a great falling away. Goats and sheep are being pulled apart. Examining if we are still in the faith is now more than ever a matter of eternal life or eternal damnation. The lines are drawn. Pick the side of righteousness. This is not where life ends.


“We are in the world but not of the world.”


Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro Founder and President of Thread of Hope, Inc.



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