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The Blessing of a Clean Conscience

Writer's picture: LINDA A. KnowlesLINDA A. Knowles

“Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.” -Hebrews 10:35

I remember the best basketball game a played in college. It was during Christmas break in Grand Rapids, Michigan years ago. Because it was Christmas break, some of the team had left college early to head home, and so we went to the game with six players. Now, a team needs five players on the court to compete, and I knew I was better than one player. So, I knew, no matter how I played, the coach needed me on the court. I played with freedom and confidence and made many good plays because I wasn’t playing looking over my shoulder. Instead of playing not to make mistakes, I played like I was capable of playing and had my best game.

Too many Christians today approach life with an attitude of “not making a mistake” before God and lose the confidence they have in Christ. Maybe a person has a lack of confidence because they failed God before by not visiting a sick friend, or by getting bitter when they were overlooked for a job promotion. They let their minds dwell on these failures of the past and take the attitude that if they don’t step out too far in faith they won’t fail again. Our Heavenly Father isn’t concerned with our past. As we repent and turn to Christ, the blood has been sprinkled on all these sins, all these disappointments. We are made in the image of Father God, and He is very bold, very secure in who He is; and so, should you and I be as His children.

My heart’s desire for you and for me is that we will catch a great vision of how the cross of Jesus Christ has changed us completely. In Romans 6:3, it says, “Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death?” We were born into the race of Adam. We were born into Adam’s nature of sin. That nature effects every area of life: mind, emotions, will. There is only one way out of the life of Adam, and that way out is death. Have you died? If you turned your life over to Christ as Lord, Scripture tells us the Spirit of God baptized us into the body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:13).

Now let me ask a different question: Did Jesus die? Because when Jesus died on the cross, the nature of Adam died, and when you asked Christ into your life, immediately, you were placed into the body of Christ. Immediately the nature of Adam died in you, and the nature of Christ came alive in you. Now we are the redeemed of Christ; we are the saints of God. We are the mighty warriors against the devil. We are the light of the world. Why should we cower and play it safe?

Brothers and Sisters, keep looking up because we are seated together in heavenly places with Christ (Ephesians 2:6).

Pastor Michael Heil

The Unapologetic Theologian

Thread of Hope, Inc.



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