In today's world the issue of false teachers is more common than we actually think. Some people of God are not what they seem, and with that said, you must watch out for these "Pastors" or leaders" because they are not shepherds of the Most High. In fact, they are agents of the Devil! The Bible says in 1 John 4:1 (KJV), "Beloved, Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: Because MANY false prophets have gone out into this world." Here everything is explained as clear as day. So let's break it down: The first part is testing the spirit of everyone around you in today's world will help you gain an understanding of people. Just because they seem nice on the outside, on the inside, it could be a whole different story. The second part is that the Bible is clear that many false prophets have gone into this world (Matthew 7:15) and the only way to combat them is though prayer and revelation of the Holy Spirit to discern these agents of the Devil. In Closing, My Brethren, take need and do not worry for God is still watching out for the safety of the true people of God! Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit that He will steer you away from these evil and vile people.
Justin Noah Citro
Vice President of Thread of Hope, Inc.