How has your past week or month been? Like a pressure cooker? It’s been quite a challenging last couple of years, how about you? How subtle this pressure begins to boil due to worry, anxiety, fear, and stress that begins to take a toll on us without even realizing it is happening.
Maybe you're thinking a few prescription pills will get me through this or some extra drinking to take this load off your chest or take the edge off. This doesn’t necessarily take the steam off, but more likely adds to the steam to boil even hotter at times.
Do you remember the old tune “Mother’s little helper”? The pressure was on, the kids were driving both parents to the graveyard or to drink! There’s not enough money to pay the bills. The steam was building for this mother and looking for a quick fix to get some relief! Or workers facing demanding pressure to risk even their health like nurses and healthcare with the Covid-19 pandemic. Perhaps you have lost a loved one recently and are having a difficult time coping with the stresses and losses.
Notice, when the heat is raised and the water boils in the pressure cooker pot, it blows its stack.
In our times of tension and stress, we ought to be like the pressure valve on top of the pressure cooker to release the overflow convection of steam from the boiling pot. Release everything to the Lord.
Make time for yourself and have time alone for yourself and the Lord. Devote at least five to ten minutes a day of face time with God, because the pressure is on! Read the book of Psalms in the Bible, they’re short to read and to meditate on. Prayer, meditating, and even exercise will help relieve this stress and tension. The Word of God helps to renew your mind and heart. Helps us to look at the situation from God’s perspective. Journaling helps as well. I am speaking to myself as too!
“He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside the still waters.” -Psalm 23:2
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” -Psalms 19:14 NLT
Have a great day, My Friends.
Pastor Andy Provitola