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A Voice of Hope to Those Without Hope

6 April 2022

I can no better explain what Voice of Hope represents than through the voice of Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro. "Voice of Hope is committed and devoted to being an avenue that will help others grow spiritually, emotionally, and in knowledge."


Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro brings wonderful insights and wisdom. Nothing less than precious pearls from her pen.


“Does the Lord really want sacrifices and offerings? No! He doesn't want your sacrifices. He wants you to obey him.” 1 Samuel 15:22

Total obedience is the starting point that moves the heart of God. It’s here where He meets us, at the very point of our obedience. Obedience is what God honors, not our sacrifices!

Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro.

Founder and President

Thread of Hope Inc.


Hosea 8:1 “Set the trumpet to your lips! [The enemy] comes as a [great] vulture against the house of the Lord, because they have broken my covenant and transgressed against my law.”

The message is a call to each one that will heed the call to prepare as soldiers would prepare for war. To put on the full armor of light as to stand fully equipped against the dominion of darkness in these last days. The mandate is to equip and make ready a people for the soon return of their King.


Hebrew 5:8

Even though Jesus was God's Son, He learned obedience from the things He suffered.

To BE A SON OF GOD is the PURPOSE of our life. IT IS WHO WE ARE. It is the highest calling and requires the highest commitment. Once we understand and know our purpose nothing else matters, everything else is of no value. The sons of God are those who seek to please the Father in all things.

Their only desire is to honor Him as Father, to obey Him at all times, and to love Him if at all possible, the way He loves them. They will fight with a force not holding anything back, even unto death, for the honor and the glory of their Father as the highest, and most precious prize to be attained.

Their ultimate goal is to represent the kingdom of the Father, to make known the Father, His will, and His purpose, to make known His nature and likeness. They represent the Father in word and deed without adding or taking away anything. They themselves are the express image of the nature of the Father. They imitate Him in all things. Their PASSION is to be revealed as the sons of God. It brings great joy to their heart to be recognized as the son of their Father.

They know their Father, they walk with Him in communion daily. They know what He is able to do, therefore, they fear nothing and no one for they know the authority and the power they carry, they know who they are as the sons of the Father. They will obey the Father even should it require suffering or even death for there is nothing they are not willing to sacrifice for Him. They know because of Him they can conquer mountains and the impossible become possible. There is nothing they will not be able to do.

They understand fully the glorious and gracious calling they have been called unto and are grateful to have this opportunity to be called the sons of God. They understand the love of the Father who by adoption called them His own, giving them an inheritance of that of a son. No one loves them as unconditionally as He, therefore, the heart of the son belongs to the Father.

Thereze Catherine Barnard


Voice of Hope Blog

RENEWED (body, soul & spirit)

Rika spent 22 years climbing the Corporate ladder, just to realize the ladder was against the wrong building.

She entered the fitness industry in 2007 and had 3 successful Curves franchises where she was personally involved in coaching and counseling members with further studies in Nutrition at Baylor University, Texas, and the Cleveland Heart Clinic. “There is no greater reward than making a difference in people’s lives. “

When her husband was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer in 2015, it impacted their lifestyle dramatically, unfortunately, it was too late for Bruce.

Through this experience, the Lord birthed a desire to educate, counsel, and facilitate innovative mental, physical and spiritual health solutions through an in-depth focus on individual holistic wellbeing.

“I thank the Lord for the vision and am blessed to be able to provide knowledge of renewal in mind, body, and spirit to complete health and healing."

Ps 138 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We have a responsibility to care for our bodies and not abuse them for we are the temple of God.

Healing comes as a result of obedience.

Scientists, curious to know what mummies in the Egyptian pyramids died of did autopsies and all sorts of forensic studies on them and found that they died of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and all diseases that are well known to us today. The Word of the Lord is clear on what He requires from us.

Exodus 15:26 “IF you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God and will do what is right in His sight, and will listen to and obey His commandments, I will put none of the diseases upon you which I brought upon the Egyptians, for I am the Lord who heals you.”

The Lord gave us instructions and commandments in His Word because He loves us.

Jer 31:3 “ Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, with loving kindness have I drawn you and continued my faithfulness to you.”

John 14: 15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” And in vs 16 He said He has given the Holy Spirit to help us do that.

1 John 5:3” For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.”

We obey those commandments because we love Him. Obedience is a golden thread woven within a tapestry, which portrays the bigger picture of a romance between us and our Bridegroom and King Jesus.

The foundation of obedience is love. As Jesus said in Matt 22:37-40 “ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and 1st commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. These two commandments sum up and upon them depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

The key to healing is love because if you are walking in love, where you have a love relationship with God, yourself, and others, you won’t have any poisonous mindsets that cause disease.

Walking in love means walking in forgiveness and not bitterness. Walking in love means you don’t have a mindset of fear because 1 John 4:18 says “ He who fears has not been made perfect in love, and perfect love casts out fear.”

2 Tim 1:7 “ For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, love and a sound mind.”

So, healing comes as a result of obedience. Walking in obedience is walking in love and visa versa. Love is the starting point of obedience. Obedience flows out of love!

In His Service,

Rika Griffiths

Life and Wellness Coach


"The Most Valuable of all Jewelry"

Each exclusive design had been created by Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro and produced by Princess Diamonds for both men and women. To order, please click the link and send an email to

What makes each piece so valuable is that all proceeds go 100% to support TOH charities and not toward salaries.

Rahab's Thread of Hope speaks about a heart of love and compassion.

1. Heart Bracelet in Italian silver $99

2. Heart Bracelet in Yellow or White gold $205

To order, please click the link and send an email to


Ti Amo (I Love You}

Teresa's Heart, A necklace that melts a heart

Heart Necklace Italian silver $125

To order, please click the link and send an email to

Lulama Konza

Marketing Director


“You are Altogether Beautiful my Darling; there is no Flaw in You."

Each of Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro's amazing products provides women around the world with anti-aging benefits that make a difference.

100% of all proceeds go to benefit Thread of Hope charities, not salaries.


Try it for applying a liquid foundation – you might be pleasantly surprised by its performance.

100% Synthetic: Cruelty Free & Vegan approved (No Animal Hair/Fur)

This brush has surprised us all! The unique shape is firmly packed, extra tight and can contour like the best of them or simply apply a perfect blush or smoothly blend the entire face.

Citro Cosmetics is Continually working towards bringing you new products.

Should you like to purchase our product for $35 Click here: Chubby Blender

Lulama Konza

Marketing Director


Lulama Konza, Marketing Director

View our live broadcasts. Follow us and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Click here: Thread of Hope, Inc. Official YouTube Page.


- Monday

A Reason for Hope with Ps. Eddie and Justin.


To watch click here : A Reason for Hope

- Tuesday

Light of the World with Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro / Apostle Lulama Konza / Linda Agnes Knowles / Thereze Barnard.


To watch click here: Light of the World


A Call to Grace with Thereze Barnard and Linda Agnes Knowles.


To watch click here: A Call to Grace


The Thread with Lulama Konza

8:30 AM EST // 2:30 PM SAST/EET // 12:30 PM WAT/GMT

To watch click here: The Thread

A Reason for Hope with Ps. Eddie and Justin.


To watch click here: A Reason for Hope

Lulama Konza

Marketing Director

As the Editor-in-Chief, I want to thank each of our readers for taking the time to read this edition of our blog. I believe that each blog will inspire and bless you, but most importantly make known unto you the hope that is found in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thereze Catherine Barnard


Voice of Hope Blog



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