A Voice of Hope to Those Without Hope
31 March 2022

I can no better explain what Voice of Hope represents than through the voice of Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro. "Voice of Hope is committed and devoted to being an avenue that will help others grow spiritually, emotionally, and in knowledge."

Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro brings wonderful insights and wisdom. Nothing less than precious pearls from her pen.

We go to the house of the Lord with a grateful heart filled with thanksgiving, giving Him all our love, praise, and devotion for all he has done for us. We deserve nothing and yet He gives us everything.
Psalm 122:1
I was glad when they said let us go to the house of the Lord!

Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro.
Founder and President
Thread of Hope Inc.

Hosea 8:1 “Set the trumpet to your lips! [The enemy] comes as a [great] vulture against the house of the Lord, because they have broken my covenant and transgressed against my law.”
The message is a call to each one that will heed the call to prepare as soldiers would prepare for war. To put on the full armor of light as to stand fully equipped against the dominion of darkness in these last days. The mandate is to equip and make ready a people for the soon return of their King.

There is A SPECIFIC PLACE given by God, and ONLY IN THAT PLACE can we dwell in safety and find rest. We have been given entrance into the presence of God but we are not forced in or pushed in; the door has been opened before us and we are invited to enter in.
The scriptures clearly state that we ought to dwell in the secret place of the Almighty where we will find rest. We ought to make our habitation in that place where God's holy presence dwells for then we are truly safe. For those who walk steadfastly and continually as a way of life in the holy presence of the Almighty, those who dwell and have made their habitation in the light of God’s presence dwell in safety. Jesus sacrificed His life so that we could find favour with God, and be accepted by Him so that we can dwell in that place of safety. Before Jesus came we were all separated from God and the brilliant light of His presence, trapped in darkness, we were all in bondage to sin and death, all of us were blinded, to the truth of the state we were in for the truth had been obscured by the deception and the lies of the prince of this world. Before Jesus came we were but weak men and women with no hope of redemption, with no hope of being reconciled with God, with no hope of ever being allowed into His glorious presence. But then Jesus came as a light to every man to show us the way out of darkness, out of sin, out of bondage, out of prison, out of death into liberty, by bringing us into this place of favour and acceptance with the Father, by giving us access into the brilliant light of the presence of the Father where we can now dwell in safety and find rest.

Jesus became the door through which we were allowed access to the light and where we could leave the darkness on the other side of that door, and strip it from its power over us. For once we step through that door nothing, no power, no spirit, no principality, no demon, no sin, no deception, no sickness, no disease, no infirmity, no enemy can harm us, without His knowledge. As soon as we step through that door we are made worthy to now not only dwell in the brilliant light of God’s presence but also to carry it within. Through Him and only Him have we found grace to enter into the Holy presence of a Holy God. Grace to save us is given as a gift, but to receive it we are required to believe in this grace as more than able, more than enough, as sufficient to do what it had been sent to do. By faith, we take hold of the only power able to save us by stepping out of the dominion of darkness which has kept us in bondage and in prison, and in death and we step into His marvellous light. We make our HABITATION IN THAT PLACE. We dwell there, we live and move and have our being there, we remain there and have nothing to do with the dominion of darkness and it works anymore, we give it no place and no power in our lives. We step into grace, and a new and higher life, old things passing away and all things becoming new, and we become a new creation, a peculiar people, a holy nation, sons unto God and He a Father unto us.
Be not deceived going to church and quoting scripture does not mean we dwell in that place, saying the words one time in our life and praying a prayer one time in our life does not mean we dwell in that place. Doing good and living according to the world’s standards of being good is as filthy rags before the Father. We are unable to please a holy God, if we were able to satisfy His wrath against sin, the law would have been sufficient to save but it was proven weak in the flesh. Within this earthen vessel, there is no good thing, the thoughts of our hearts are continually evil. All of these are deceptions that are keeping us in bondage and prison and death. It is only when we hear the word of truth, and light shines into our hearts that we realise the state we are in and that we can do nothing to save ourselves from this body of sin and death. We realise that in ourselves we are but mere weak men and women without hope. It is only when we realise how extraordinary, how amazing the favour and the gift of grace that has been given unto us is, and we with grateful hearts receive this favour and this gift of grace in faith that we are saved. We then with a broken and contrite heart repent of our sins and we go and sin no more. We desire that place no more. We choose to step out of the dominion of darkness and sin, and out of bondage and the prison that has kept us in chains, and we choose to step through the door, into His righteousness and into His light, and His life. We then become free. We then step into safety that can only be found in that secret place that we have been given access to through Jesus Christ our Lord who has become the door into that place.
The truth is, we have to step through the door and we ought not to return from where we have come but we ought to remain on the side of the door where the light of God's Holy presence shines to remain in His safety. When we play around in the dark and believe we are free we are only deceiving ourselves. Safety is only found in this place, and there is only one door into this place and that is through Christ Jesus.
Church, we have received grace in the sight of God through Jesus Christ our Lord, and I tell you the truth, only His grace is able to keep you to the end. He said to us,” MY GRACE IS ENOUGH”. I tell you His grace is TRULY enough. Sons of God remain IN His grace, hold fast to it, cling to it as if your life depended on it, for I tell you, truly your life truly does. Grace WILL KEEP you, but only IF you trust in it. Grace upon grace, grace abounding and superabounding is available to you. He who dwells in the secret place of the Almighty can with confidence say,
Psalm 91:1
1. He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall rest under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:9-11
9. If you make the Most High your dwelling - even the Lord who is my refuge -
10. Then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
11. For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

Thereze Barnard
Voice of Hope Blog

"The Most Valuable of all Jewelry"
Each exclusive design had been created by Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro and produced by Princess Diamonds for both men and women. To order, please click the link and send an email to info@threadofhope.org
What makes each piece so valuable is that all proceeds go 100% to support TOH charities and not toward salaries.

Rahab's Thread of Hope speaks about a heart of love and compassion.
1. Heart Bracelet in Italian silver $99
2. Heart Bracelet in Yellow or White gold $205
To order, please click the link and send an email to info@threadofhope.org

Ti Amo (I Love You}
Teresa's Heart, A necklace that melts a heart
Heart Necklace Italian silver $125
To order, please click the link and send an email to info@threadofhope.org

Lulama Konza
Marketing Director

“You are Altogether Beautiful my Darling; there is no Flaw in You."
Each of Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro's amazing products provides women around the world with anti-aging benefits that make a difference.
100% of all proceeds go to benefit Thread of Hope charities, not salaries.

Nude Nature
Skinny Dip
Pale Petal
Sugar Berry
Ice Wine
Pink Pompadour
Tickled Pink
Please note: colors and products may be sold out or changed without notice.
Citro Cosmetics and skincare are continually working towards bringing you new products.

Lulama Konza
Marketing Director

Lulama Konza, Marketing Director
View our live broadcasts. Follow us and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Click here: Thread of Hope, Inc. Official YouTube Page.
- Monday
A Reason for Hope with Ps. Eddie and Justin.
To watch click here : A Reason for Hope
- Tuesday
Light of the World with Rev. Dr. Teresa Allissa Citro / Apostle Lulama Konza / Linda Agnes Knowles / Thereze Barnard.
To watch click here: Light of the World
A Call to Grace with Thereze Barnard and Linda Agnes Knowles.
To watch click here: A Call to Grace
The Thread with Lulama Konza
8:30 AM EST // 2:30 PM SAST/EET // 12:30 PM WAT/GMT
To watch click here: The Thread
A Reason for Hope with Ps. Eddie and Justin.
To watch click here: A Reason for Hope

Lulama Konza
Marketing Director
As the Editor-in-Chief, I want to thank each of our readers for taking the time to read this edition of our blog. I believe that each blog will inspire and bless you, but most importantly make known unto you the hope that is found in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thereze Catherine Barnard
Voice of Hope Blog